"Amateurs" - New Music Video
New Music Coming Soon!
"Lighthouse" Video: a Beacon of Hope in Dark Times
Staci Featured Guest on "Real Life" TV Show
Staci was recently a featured guest on Cornerstone Television Network's television show, Real Life. Staci talks about her book Flourish, and sings songs from her new album, Unpathed Warers Undreamed Shores. You can find Staci's segments here:
Disarm 11:17
Flourish interview 17:10 - 30:00
Storms 42:46
Sunflowers + Thoughts on the Resurrection
Come with me
to visit the sunflowers...
Their bright faces,
which follow the sun,
will listen, and all
those rows of seeds -
each one a new life!
hope for a deeper acquaintance...
Each of them, though it stands
in a crowd of many,
like a separate universe,
is lonely,
the long work
of turning their lives
into a celebration
is not easy.
(Mary Oliver "The Sunflowers")
This poem has been on my mind all week heading toward Resurrection Sunday. Especially this line: the long work of turning their lives into a celebration is not easy.
Jesus' resurrection is at the core of what we celebrate--it is hope and grace, and love triumphing over evil. But the day-to-day living out of that celebration takes heart work. It takes continually choosing faith over doubt, believing that we're loved, forgiven, and heirs to an abundant life, a life worth celebrating.
For each of us that work looks different. Our inner landscapes are filled with obstacles that are unique to our perceptions and personalities.
I battle a constant low-grade melancholy. You could say it's the artist in me, but if I'm not careful, it turns into full-blown depression. I have to remind myself that my feelings don't define my reality. That while my circumstances in any given moment may feel hopeless or discouraging, the truth is I have much to be thankful for. And when I pause and make a list of those things--in my head or on the page--I see the goodness of God overflowing, spilling over all the edges.
I don't know what the work of turning your life into a celebration looks like for you. But I do know you're not alone. We're side by side in the Father's field together. And like sunflowers lifting our faces, following the sun across the sky, we can turn our thoughts toward life and all the beauty and warmth it offers us.
This resurrection weekend, and for all the days to come.
Two Flourish Events with Staci Frenes This Spring
For those of you who feel compelled to create--not just for others but for the sake of your own heart-health, I'm excited to be doing two Flourish retreats this Spring for women (sorry, fellas!)
March 17- 19 and April 21-23
Both are in the Nor Cal area, and both still have openings. For registration info go to my SCHEDULE PAGE and click on your preferred date/venue for details. I'd love to see you there!
"Flourish events and retreats are designed to inspire and nurture creativity!" -Staci Frenes